Thursday 11 December 2008

Culture, Comment and Cake

My name is thunderthief. I might steal your thunder, but I won't rain on the parade.
Hi, and welcome to my blog. I know I'm supposed to have a hook within the first 2.5 words that will have you riveted and willing therefore to expend valuable finger energy scrolling down, so I've definitely missed that target, but here it is: this blog will mix culture, comment and cake. My take on the news, as a journalism student and an interested reader; my life as a young single parent; my take on the culture and counter-culture I encounter; and a few crafty suggestions and recipes, because in a world where shopping is regularly listed as women's favourite activity and one in which I'm pretty much always broke, I think a return to creativity - the make-do-and-mend of previous generations - is called for.

My name is thunderthief - I steal thunder, obviously, but in the nicest possible way - you'll hardly miss it, and you'll love the way I present it. It's recycling, like those super cool little cars made out of tin cans and wire that the kids in South Africa make, or Freitag bags. They're made out of truck tarps and seatbelts. They are beautiful, in a German sort of way. They cost a bit more than the aforementioned tin can cars, though.

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